Welcome to the First United Methodist Church of Lodi

Located on 200 W. Oak Street in Lodi, CA.

  • Join us each Sunday at 9:30am either in person or online by searching “Lodi First Church” on YouTube.

  • Rev. Sandie Richards has been the pastor at FUMC of Lodi since July of 2023. She understands that worship, study, and action are essential components of a vibrant faith. Her sermons engage in a dialogue not only with the congregation but also with the broader society.

    If you seek pastoral care, please reach out by calling (209) 368-5357 ext. 2.

  • Our normal office hours are Monday-Wednesday from 10am-2pm, and Thursdays from 9am-11am. If we are unable to attend to you in person, please call (209) 368-5357 and leave a message.

Easter is coming…

Join us at First United Methodist Church for a meaningful season of reflection and celebration. During this time, we invite you to engage in midweek services and moments of reflection. Experience the rich traditions of Holy Week, including services that commemorate significant events in our faith journey. Celebrate the joy of renewal and hope that comes with the Easter season. All are welcome to join in these uplifting gatherings and community activities.

Click each event for more information.

  • Join us for our Palm Sunday worship service, featuring a joyous palm parade. Celebrate the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem with vibrant expressions of faith and community. All are welcome to participate and witness this special occasion.

  • Join us for a Maundy Thursday service with a reenactment of the Last Supper. This sacred event will reflect on Jesus' final meal with His disciples, emphasizing love, sacrifice, and community. Experience scripture readings, prayers, and music that foster reflection. All are welcome to remember this pivotal moment in our faith. Invite friends and family to participate.

  • Join us for Good Friday with two services. At 12:00 noon, reflect on the events before Jesus' crucifixion. At 5:30pm, the Service of Darkness offers readings, music, and prayer for deeper connection. Honor this significant day with us.

    • 8:30am: Floral cross decorating. Bring fresh flowers to add to the cross.

    • Light continental breakfast served before and after the service.

    • 9:30am: Easter Sunday Service of Resurrection.

    • Following the service: Easter Egg Hunt for the children.

I'm New and Want to Get Connected

We are still a community whether we are in-person or at home.

We connect with emails with weekly announcements and online worship links.

We connect by mail with a monthly newsletter, also known as the “Messenger.”

Click HERE for more information.

Join Us

We currently meet both online and in-person.

The sacrament of Holy Communion is offered on the 1st Sunday of each month with a variety of safe participation options.

There is infant care for those under 36 months, and we have classes. for older children.

You can join us online through YouTube (search “Lodi First Church”).



Visit Us

Office Hours:

Monday - Wednesday | 10am - 2pm

Thursday | 9am - 11am

Closed Fridays


200 W. Oak St.
Lodi, CA 95240

(209) 368-5357