Upcoming Events

Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is back and are welcome to join us! They meet at 8:30am in the church library before Sunday Worship. Pastor Sandie will lead the Sunday School class on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month, and Peggy Fry will lead the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
(This is a current event, please disregard the listed calendar date.)

Food Drop-Off
Food donations can be brought to the kitchen door in the alleyway on the second Tuesday of each month between 12:00 - 2:00pm. All donations are taken to Salem Methodist Church here in Lodi.
(This is a current event, please disregard the listed calendar date.)

Chancel Choir
The choir would love to hear your voice. They meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:30pm in the choir room. All are welcome!
Ages 11 & Up
(This is a current event, please disregard the listed calendar date.)
Bell Choir
You are welcome to join our multigenerational bell choir. We meet for practice on Wednesdays at 5:30pm in the bell choir room and we perform on Sundays at least once per month. We are always looking to add another ringer. Call the office for more info 368.5357
(This is a current event, please disregard the listed calendar date.)

Exercise Classes
We have exercise classes for different levels of ability on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays each week. The Energizers, an aerobic workout on your feet, meet from 9:00-10:00am and the Pacesetters, primarily a chair class, meet from 10:15-11:00am. Stop by and try it out!
(This is a current event, please disregard the listed calendar date.)

Chili Cookoff 2025
It’s that time of year—our annual Chili Cookoff! Join us on February 16th after worship for a chili and cornbread fellowship. If you plan to attend and/or bring a pot of your best homemade chili, please RSVP to Deborah at 209-712- 1512.

Women's Friday Fellowship
Save the date for Women's Friday Fellowship! Join us on February 7th from 5:15-8:00pm for a Chinese food dinner and an evening of Bunco games. Please RSVP to Deborah at 209-712-1512.

Sunday Treats Fellowship
Join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship to welcome our new district superintendent! Enjoy some delicious treats as we gather together and celebrate this special occasion. All are welcome!

Women's Friday Fellowship
Women’s Friday Fellowship is back! Join us for a delightful evening filled with warmth and community. Enjoy a delicious soup dinner and partake in many games of Bunco. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with others and have some fun!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
We hope you’ll join us for our beautiful candlelight Christmas Eve service on Tuesday, December 24th, at 5:00pm.

Blue Christmas
Join us on December 19th at 5:00pm for a special Blue Christmas service, a time of remembrance and hope for those facing grief and loss during the holidays. This service offers a compassionate space to honor our loved ones, find com fort in community, and engage in reflective music and prayer. All are welcome to support each other and remember we are not alone.

Children's Christmas Pageant
Our children’s Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, December 15th, during Worship. Join us for fellowship time and light refreshments following the service at 3rd Sunday Treats!

Fall Concert
Please join us for a morning of uplifting worship music! Light refreshments to follow. Feel free to stream online on YouTube at @lodifirstchurch.

Church-Wide Talent Show
Join us after Sunday worship for our Church-wide Talent Show! Whether you're a performer or a fan, don't miss the fun. Don't be shy to share your talent—we can't wait to see you shine!
Please sign up by emailing Pastor Sandie at sandra.richards@cnumc.org

Ice Cream Social
Join us for our annual Ice Cream Social! All ice cream and toppings will be provided by our Discipleship Committee. So, come sit back, relax, and enjoy some ice cream while watching our church-wide talent show after the Sunday worship service!

Women's Friday Fellowship
On Friday, June 7th, from 5:15 to 7:30pm, the ladies will be getting together for a picnic dinner. The cost is $10 per person. All ages are welcome. Please RSVP to Deborah Stockman by Wednesday, June 5th (209) 712-1512.

Heather Leslie Hammer - Sunday Worship and Storytelling
Heather Leslie Hammer will be preaching and storytelling at FUMC.
Heather is a retired Methodist pastor, and an educator in her past life, as well. Her father was a Methodist pastor. She currently lives in Livermore. The Evening Book Club will be hosting a discussion session after church for people to discuss her historical novel Shetland Mist. The book is based on her family’s ancestors who lived in the Shetland Islands in the early 1800s.
The event will be open to anyone wanting to learn more about the research and writing of this historical novel. Heather will have books for sale. Shetland Mist is available from Amazon.
*It is not necessary to read the book ahead of time. R.S.V.P. - Helen Gross - by Tuesday - May 28, 2024, if you will be attending the discussion session*

Spring Fling
Join us after Sunday Worship for some fun! Choose to play Bingo or Corn Hole to compete in a friendly competition. Lunch will be provided! BBQ hamburgers, hotdogs, salads, ice cream and lemonade/tea are on the menu!

Women's Friday Fellowship
RSVP to Deborah Stockman (209) 712-1512 for Women’s Fellowship this Friday, April 5th. There will be an Italian dinner.

Women's Friday Fellowship
Friday, March 1st, is the next Women’s Friday Fellowship. The ladies will be having a pizza and salad dinner. RSVP to Deborah Stockman (209) 712-1512 (text preferred).

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Come celebrate Fat Tuesday by joining us for a delicious dinner of sausage, pancakes, waffles, and all the fixings!
$5 per person or $20 per family
RSVP by 2/10 to Deborah — Text (209) 712-1512

Chili Cook Off 2024
Bring your homemade chili or toppings (cornbread, sour cream, shredded cheese, etc.) to share and enjoy with everyone! All donations will go towards the Church Camp Fund.
RSVP to Deborah - text (209) 712-1512 by January 28th.

Women's Friday Fellowship
Mark your calendars for Women’s Friday Fellowship! We will be celebrating the Lunar New Year with a Chinese food dinner. Price is $10 per person. Text or call Deborah to RSVP at (209) 712-1512.

Bowling Day
Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of bowling!
Lodi Bowling, 302. N. Sacramento Street, Lodi, CA 95240
$20.00 per person for 1 ½ hours of bowling/includes shoes (this is if we get 18 bowlers)
Money and RSVP to Anne Isquierdo by Sunday, January 21st. (510) 915-4909

Youth Group
Calling all 6th - 12th graders…Come check out our Youth Group! The first meeting of the new year will be on Sunday, January 7, from 5-7pm. Contact Nora for more information (209) 712-1625.

Rise Against Hunger
Lodi Sunrise Rotary is sponsoring a Rise Against Hunger event on Saturday, January 6th, from 9am - noon at the Loel Center. They are looking for volunteers to help. Lunch will be served. Please see Bob or Helen Gross before or after Sunday Worship to sign up, or contact the church office (209) 368-5357.

Women's Friday Fellowship
Mark your calendars for the first Women’s Friday Fellowship of 2024 on January 5th. $10 per person, suggested donation. Call Nora to RSVP (209) 712-1625.

Flex Flow Fusion
Emily is excited to offer a brand-new class on Wednesdays at 11:15am in the Fellowship Hall. Flex Flow Fusion is a combination of stretching, yoga, and Pilates. Suitable for all levels of ability, from beginners to advanced. It is free to enrolled students and just $5.00 for newcomers.
(This is a current event, please disregard the listed calendar date.)

Christmas Pageant
Don’t miss our children’s Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 17th during worship.

Christmas Poinsettias
It’s the time of year again, when we order Christmas poinsettias to line the railing in the sanctuary. Please fill out the order form in your bulletin and return with payment by December 11th.

Parade of Lights
City of Lodi’s Parade of Lights will be on Thursday, November 30th this year. We will be setting up chairs in front of our church for parade viewing. Join us for pizza, crafts, and a good seat for the parade! The suggested donation is $10 per family. You may return the RSVP slip in your bulletin to the offering plate today or RSVP to Nora (209) 712-1625 or the office (209) 368-5357 before November 28th.

Little Methodist Preschool Carnival
It’s back!! Little Methodist Preschool’s Carnival returns on Saturday, October 28th. Please stop by and check it out between 10am - 2pm. Silent Auction donations are being accepted. If you are interested in making a donation, please call Natalie (209) 368-5111 in the preschool office.

Church Bowling Day
Deborah Stockman is planning an all-church bowling day on Saturday, October 21st at Lodi’s new bowling alley. We will meet at the bowling alley at 11am. The cost is $13.00 per person for 1 hour of bowling. Please RSVP to Deborah (209) 712-1512 by October 8th if you’d like to participate and get your $13.00 cash to Deborah by October 15th.

Blessing of the Animals
Bring your furry friends (in a carrier or on a leash) for a blessing of the animals in the grassy courtyard.